Inhibitor Space

Alastair Reynolds

Miguel de Ruyter is a man with a past. Fleeing the ‘wolves’ – the xenocidal alien machines known as Inhibitors – he has protected his family and community from attack for forty years, sheltering in the caves of an airless, battered world called Michaelmas. The slightest hint of human activity could draw the wolves to their home, to destroy everything utterly. Which is how Miguel finds himself on a one-way mission with his own destructive mandate: to eliminate a passing ship, before it can bring unwanted attention down on them. Only something goes wrong.
There’s a lone survivor. And she knows far more about Miguel than she’s letting on . . .

Kanske Alastair Reynolds bästa bok hittills. Många, för att inte säga alla, har lidit av ett sluttande plan i dramaturgin, istället för att jobba sig uppåt mot ett klimax i slutet. Men här lyckas han bygga och hålla liv i historien ända fram till slutet utan att tappa. Också bättre skildring av personer och miljöer.






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